Industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economy. 工业和农业是国民经济的两个重要部门。
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods refers to the sum of retail sales of consumer goods sold by all sectors of the national economy to urban and rural residents and social groups. 社会消费品零售额指各种经济类型的批发零售贸易业、餐饮业、制造业和其他行业对城乡居民和社会集团的消费品零售额。
An improvement has been reported in all sectors of the national economy. 据报道,国民经济各部门都有好转。
This article took the water resources optimization disposition theory as a foundation, analyzed the Jinan water resources present situation, and solved the Jinan water resources through the establishment model in various branches and sectors of a national economy's disposition. 以水资源优化配置理论为基础,分析了济南市水资源现状,并通过建立模型求解济南市水资源在国民经济各部门的配置。
Iron and steel industry provides raw materials for various sectors of national economy and thus is the material basis of China's economy development. 钢铁工业为我国国民经济各部门提供原材料,是我国经济发展的物质基础。
Analysis and assessment of water use in different sectors of national economy 国民经济行业用水特性分析与评价
Private sectors are new power of the development of national economy of China. 私营经济是我国国民经济发展的新生力量。
Automotive industry has important strategic meanings on accelerating the development of national economy and social progress as one of the essential industrial sectors of national economy. However, there is a great gap between the automotive industry of our country and that of developed countries. 汽车产业对促进国民经济发展和社会进步具有重要的战略意义,而汽车销售连接汽车制造企业和用户,是汽车产业重要组成部分。
Having done great achievement after liberation especially reform and opening, agriculture met agricultural products demand to sectors of national economy. 改革开放以来,我国农业取得了巨大的成就,基本上满足了国民经济各个部门对农产品的需求。
Relations of post and telecommunication transportation enterprise to relevant sectors of national economy 运输邮电业与国民经济其他部门的关联分析
The theory and method of the probabilistic method has been widely used almost in all scientific and technological fields, industrial and agricultural production and all sectors of the national economy. 概率统计的理论与方法的应用十分广泛,几乎遍及所有科学技术领域、工农业生产和国民经济的各个部门。
With the rapid growing of industries of Information Technology ( IT) and Geographic Information Systems ( GIS), spatial information, an important component of information, has been more and more widely used in sectors of national economy. 随着IT业和GIS业的迅猛发展,作为信息重要组成部分的空间信息也越来越广泛地应用于国民经济的各领域,各种专业地理信息系统对各种地理空间信息的需求越来越多。
As the core sectors of the national economy, the efficiency and stability of the banking sector is directly related to the stable and healthy development of the macro-economic. 银行业作为我国国民经济的枢纽与核心部门,其运行效率和稳定性直接关乎国家金融体系和宏观经济的平稳健康发展。
Pharmaceutical industry is related to important sectors of national economy. 医药行业是关系到我国国计民生的重要行业。
Other sectors of the national economy of agriculture to provide food, food, industrial raw materials, capital and export goods, is supporting national economic construction and development of basic products. 农业为国民经济其他部门提供粮食、副食品、工业原料、资金和出口物资,是支撑国民经济建设与发展的基础产品。
As an important Chemical material, sulfur and sulfur products are applied to many sectors of national economy widely such as agriculture, chemical, light industry, metallurgical industry, building materials and medicine. 作为一种重要的化工原料,硫及硫制品广泛应用于农业、化工、轻工、冶金、建材、医药等国民经济的各个部门。
Biomass glycerol is an important raw material chemical used wide in various sectors of national economy and also is an ideal renewable resource that has been identified by the DOE as one of the top-12 building block chemicals in this century. 生物质甘油是非常重要的化工原料,广泛应用于国民经济的各行各业,也是一种理想的可再生资源,被DOE定义为本世纪12个最有可能的基本化工原料之一。
Aluminum is characteristic of light weight, good thermal and electrical conductivity, easy machining and so on. Aluminum is widely used in various sectors of national economy and is the largest amounts of production and consumption metal in non-ferrous metals. 金属铝具有比重小、导电导热性好、易于机械加工等多优良性能,广泛应用于国民经济各部门,已成为有色金属中产量和消费量最大的金属。
Training, as a significant approach of human capital investment, if conducted by the educational departments, provides not only professional human capital needed by various sectors of national economy, but also non-professionals. 培训是人力资本投资的重要途径。不仅国民经济各部门所需要的专业化的人力资本要由教育部门来提供,而且大量的非专业化的人力资本也要经由培训才得以形成。
Commercial policy provides direction for commercial development, ensure commerce to join the cycle of national economy, and have influences on relatively reasonable distribution of benefits between business and other sectors of the national economy. 而商业政策对商业的发展具有导向作用,确保商业加入国民经济大循环,并且影响商业与国民经济其他行业相对合理的利益分配等等。
Transportation is the basic industry of economic and social development, and the bond contacting the various links, sectors and regions of the national economy. 交通运输是经济社会发展的基础产业,是联系国民经济各个环节、各个部门和各个地区的纽带。
Hydraulic excavator is an important engineering machinery, widely used in the sectors of the national economy and military project. 液压挖掘机是一种重要的工程机械,广泛应用在国民经济各部门和军事工程上。
Corrosion is material deterioration under a variety of environmental effects, which spreads all sectors of national economy. 腐蚀是材料在各种环境作用下发生的破坏和变质,遍及国民经济的各个部门。
The space transfer process of goods from production to consumption, involves many sectors of the national economy, such as transportation, warehousing, distribution, finance and information services. 商品从生产环节到消费环节的空间转移过程,涉及到国民经济的许多行业,如运输、仓储、流通、金融、信息服务等。
30 years of reform and opening up, construction and real estate sectors in boosting the role of the national economy growing, has become an important pillar industry in national economy. 改革开放30年来,建筑业对国民经济的拉动作用不断增强,已经成为国民经济的重要支柱产业。
In 1980s China began to study the industrial policy, and subsequently applied it to all sectors of the national economy, which made it an important part of economic policy of China. 我国与上世纪80年代开始研究产业政策,并随之应用到国民经济的各个产业,目前已经成为经济政策的重要组成部分。
Surface-contact grinding is one of precision machining ways and it is widely used in various sectors of national economy. 面接触磨削加工是精密加工的主要方法之一,广泛应用于国民经济的各个行业。
The paper determines a series of input-output coefficient during the last ten years, the coefficient can measure own change of commercial circulation and the change of other sectors of the national economy caused by commercial circulation. At the same time we analyze the change on time dimension. 通过一系列投入产出系数指标测定十年来商贸流通业的自身变化和由其引起的国民经济其他部门的变动状况,同时将这种变化状况落实在时间维度上加以深入分析。
With the rapidly development of computer information technology, office automation in all sectors of the national economy has been increasingly widely used. 随着计算机信息技术的快速发展,办公自动化在国民经济各个部门得到了日益广泛的应用。
Papermaking industry is an important basic materials industry for our social and economic development. Products of the papermaking industry are closely related with all sectors of the national economy. 造纸行业是我国社会经济发展的重要基础原材料产业,造纸工业生产的产品与国民经济中的各个部门都有着千丝万缕的联系。